
Monday, April 11, 2011

A Day of Firsts

Today was the first day that Eric went back to work while no one else was here with Henry and me. It was just the two of us on our own. I have to say, the day was a huge success! We woke up and I fed him, then got him ready, and he took his good 2 hour morning nap in his vibrating bouncer seat while I showered and got ready. I was able to eat breakfast (before 11am this time!) and we headed out to our friends' house. It was her first day alone with her newborn as well, so it was nice to spend time together. We went to a group called Cuddlers, which just involves moms and babies under a year hanging out chatting. I like babies, I like chatting... so this works well for me and is something to look forward to during the day. Afterward we hung out at her house for a bit and Henry and I made our way back home. He ate again, and helped me get some things done around the house while he drifted off to sleep. I was thinking I'd get nothing done, but I actually was able to do the dishes, sweep the floor, do some laundry, grab a snack/late lunch, and some other things that my recently peanut sized brain won't let me remember. Oh but I did have time to also glance in the mirror and notice that I have more stretch marks since having him than I had WHILE hugely pregnant. If someone would like to explain to me how that makes sense, please do. I didn't have any until 38 weeks, and then just a few on the belly... and now it's another story entirely.
The sun is shining here today and it was wonderful to get out and about for a drive (Henry didn't cry in the car!) and enjoy it. I hope he grows to enjoy errands and car rides, because I love his company while I do them!
Tomorrow we go for our 2 week check up at work, and I'm excited to see all of my friends.
The little one is napping on Dad right now, though this little one is growing fast-- today he weighed 8lbs 6 oz. I cannot believe how fast he's growing! So that's our update for today! Now for another first, I'm hoping today will be the first day I'm actually able to find the missing remote. Who knows where it could have disappeared in here...


  1. By chance, are you wearing a girdle? That tends to help from getting more stretch marks. Your muscles need an extra tug so that your skin won't sag as much. I am happy to hear that you are able to have support group. I am also happy to learn that henry is able to enjoy new experiences easily. I am certain he will like being out and about as he gets older. Healthy Henry! Congrats and lots of hugs from Texas!!

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog. Helps me know you even better. I love you. Dad


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