
Monday, September 12, 2011

Where We've Been

After two weeks away in the dear Midwest, we are finally back from "vacation".  I learned over the past two weeks that it's true what people say, the term vacation really does change a bit as a parent.  I found that to be true, at least. The first week we were in Iowa, and like I wrote about before, we were weighed down a bit by Henry having an ear infection, and then we ended the week with me getting strep throat.  Well actually I felt terrible for most of the week but I couldn't tell if it was just that I hadn't slept in 5 nights or if I was really sick.  We cruised through that week with a total of three trips to urgent care collectively, and then we were on to better things.
We spent the next week in Ellison Bay,  Door County, WI staying in a house with my mom, stepdad, two sisters, two brothers in law, three nieces, and one nephew. Thirteen people total!  I had visions of it being entirely relaxing, with time to myself to lounge on the hammock and read each day.  I touched the hammock twice total, certainly not alone, but wonderful nonetheless.  I didn't get a chance to even look at my book. But in its own way, it really was a relaxing week.  We were busy non stop, shuffling tons of people to lunch and various activities, racing home for naptimes, etc.  But it just felt good to be there. Surrounded by family, busy kiddos, beautiful scenery...  Door County holds a bunch of small, charming little villages with adorable houses, nice cafes, parks, the lake, little shops, orchards, markets, and more things that make my soul feel good.  Things move slower there.  We spent vacation doing our normal routines, but in a place where everything moves at about half the pace.  It's quiet there, you can walk down the side of the road to a coffee shop where local musicians are playing bluegrass together. You can walk to the tiny general store for treats, or walk pretty much all over one town and just enjoy the peace.  So yes, on vacation we did our normal thing, but it felt so good to slow down. I think we all needed that a bit.  I felt like we had just disappeared for a whole week, because it is simply different there.  It was not comparible to any other place, but it was a perfect place to be. Henry was back to his bubbly self and he seemed to love the time there also.  Each babe was exhausted, but they had fun together, and at the end, I don't think any of us were really ready to say goodbye to that week.
We are back in Anchorage, however, and fall is coming quickly.  The trees have started to change, the temperatures have dropped to a constant chill, and the light has definitely tucked itself away for next year.  It's still dark when we wake up now, and certainly when we go to bed.  It will take a bit of getting used to as it usually does, to wake up in the morning without the help of the sun.  Henry and I had gotten quite used to sitting in bed together each morning and just pulling the curtains back to let the daylight in.  This morning I had to get up and turn the light on which left both of us squinting and looking kind of stunned.
Fall has always been my favorite season, and I am always ready to embrace my favorite chilly weather, but this year it seems to be taking me longer.  I think I'm not quite ready for another Alaskan winter already.  They just last so long, and I'll miss getting Henry outside in the sunshine.  That has always been an important part of our day.  Around here Fall and Spring leave just as soon as they get here,  but we will find the fun in winter I'm sure. A lot happens in the winter months here.
While we were gone I tried to reflect on coming back here, and starting fresh.  On breaking the rut I feel I had kind of gotten into.  I want to figure out what it is that I need to feel fulfilled and useful and feel like myself with something new to learn and to contribute to everything around me.  Everyone warns you as a new parent to take time for yourself, to still feel like you and in turn be a better mother.  I don't think I've made that as much of a priority as I perhaps should have, but I am ready to now.  It's been hard for me to claim time to myself when I just want to be with Henry all day long, but I think I've gotten to the point where I realize the importance of keeping up with other things as well so that I'm energetic and refreshed and have more things to teach to my darlin' boy. I plan to watch less tv, read some books I've been itching to read, cook more rather than just collect recipes and wish I had time to cook, start beading again, do something creative with my photos, start really exercising again, be more organized etc. I'm craving creativity again, and I'm hoping mine returns soon, just in time for the cold months ahead.

So we are back... back to the real world, back to the work world, back to the fast world and the world where I can no longer live off of fried cheese curds. I'm a bit excited to be back to the blogging world, though. So hello again, friends.

Managing strep throat

My mom tells me this often, and I needed the reminder at the end of our first week.

This honey is delicious, and was wonderful in tea.

Dipping toes in Lake Michigan


The coffee shop down the road from our cottage

My hammock company.  Moments before he spit up on my face. How relaxing!


Simple but so good. And drenched in melted butter. So I mean SO  good.

Wisconsin cherry pie





1 comment:

  1. Have fun refinding your creativity!! Im currently trying to find mine so i can find ways to have time to myself but still be with my boy! Even the searching and trying is fun!


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