
Monday, June 4, 2012


Happy Monday, everyone!
Top Baby Blogs reset again, so I'm here to ask just once for your vote if you would be willing.  I only mention it once each time they reset, and I hate doing it even the one time.  But I do hope you all know how much I love to write here, hear from you, share things together, and be a part of this whole blogging thing.  I know I only have a teeny tiny corner of it, and I do hope to be more active on here when things slow down just a tad.  But I appreciate every one of you that reads, and I want you to know that.  If you should feel like voting to keep the blog in the rankings on TBB, you can just click the link that's always on the right sidebar, and then click the owl on the left of the next screen.  You can vote once a day, occasionally, or vote no times and I am just fine with that either way.

 On another note, I hope you all had a nice weekend.  We had a good one, even getting the chance to meet up with some friends to share wine and good company, and I also went out dancing!  Two things that essentially never happen, so it was a nice treat.  We took family bike rides, ate some good food, and that essentially brings us to now.  We are at the tail end of Henry's nap right now, and I was planning to glance through recipes and make a meal plan for the week, but my eyes are sleepy and so I've just been staring out the window and being generally unproductive.  I'll try again later.  We've at least got tonight figured out, and I thought since we have a rotisserie chicken waiting to be eaten and the weather is cool and gloomy, it's a good night for pot pie.  HOORAY (!!) is all I have to say about that.  I let Eric do most of the pot pie making, because he's darn good at it.  I'll just buy the ingredients and watch.  Then eat. Happy Monday, indeed!

1- We don't get out together much...
2- We can actually be a bit normal.
3- Enormous wine glasses. Love them, but made me feel like I was having 2 sips. They do that on purpose, I'm sure.
4-Friends, bistro fries, wine. All good things.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, of course you have my vote! Haha that first picture is great! So funny, but cute!


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